10 Tips for Traveling by Car with Young Children

Who doesn't love a road trip and we make plans here and there on how to spend time with our family. Kids definitely make every trip a hundred times better, more fun, and more exciting! that is why you should travel with kids. As parents we always want to provide the best experiences for them, may it be a cross-state trip or just a few miles away.

Ensuring their safety as well as their well-being is our top priority. That's why we are here to guide you on how to make your family trip the best trip your kids will ever have! From the 30 best travel games for kids to play to how to make road trips with kids fun, it's all on our blog. Read through our tips on traveling with your kids if you're want to have an awesome road trip!

Road trip pitstop by a lake

Table of Contents

Enjoy the drive


Pack light

If you're traveling by car, you have to make sure that there's enough space to fit all your belongings and the kids! There's nothing more uncomfortable than a long road trip that is jampacked inside. Your children need space to breathe, sleep, play, and enjoy the scenery so they still have the energy to explore and have fun once they have reached their destination. You can also easily incorporate the tips and trick for packing light on a plane for road trips.

Packing light for travel


Run a thorough check on your car's condition

A day or two before your trip, do an extensive check of your car's condition. This is very important to note as your safety depends on the condition of the car you will use. Make sure the brakes, switches, and lights working well? there is enough gas, and free from any possible damages that can ruin your trip and safety. Prepare some tools you will need on the road in case unprecedented emergencies happen. It's always better to be prepared and safe.


Check the weather and traffic

Checking the weather beforehand will save you from a lot of trouble. Make sure you are wary of possible storms that will surely change road conditions. Also, check the weather of your destination if it's a distance from home. Traffic must also be looked at to estimate travel time on the road. Planning is key on road trips as everyone, especially kids will really be looking forward to it!


Pack snacks and lots of it

Prepare snacks that you and your children can eat in the car. This is different from the other meals that you will be preparing for your actual trip or destination. Kids are always hungry and if they are well-fed and hydrated, they tend to be more content (not sure about your kids but we know how wild our children are if they're hungry!). This will also keep their moods under control.

Travel snacks


Carpool karaoke

Carpool Karaoke, Love it! What is a road trip without music? It's a must on all trips. Before jumping into the car, make sure to make a playlist of songs your children usually listen to. You can ask them beforehand so they will be excited to listen to their choice of music while in the car. This is also a fabulous time to bond as a family as you sing, belt along to songs, and have a good time.


Optimize and curate your stops

If you will be traveling for many hours, you need to make stops. Try to check your route and possible establishments such as gasoline stations, restaurants, parks, or other places you can stop along the way. This will give the family some time to rest and stretch from long hours of driving and allows the kids to expel some energy. A great tip is to remember the trip isn't about the destination alone so make sure to make every stop worthy and fun!


First aid kit

Many children are not used to long car rides, especially if it's their first road trip, and may be vulnerable to car (motion) sickness. Be certain to prepare medicines that can combat or mitigate this sickness. Let's just say it might get a little bit messy if this is overlooked, so make sure you are prepared and ready including a few empty plastic sickness bags. Also, remember to have these in the car and not on the trunk! so you can easily reach them if needed.


Prepare games

There will be times on the trip that will certainly bore your kids. That's just a fact. But this is preventable with some planning. Prepare some travel games for the trip that includes board games, toys, cards, notebooks, crayons, and other things that they can play with while inside the car. Bring a ball or frisbee too if ever you will make a stop in a park or an open field. You can also search for some easy mind games for kids that you can play with them while you're driving.


Engage in chit chat

You are driving and your children are in the back seat, this is a great time to converse with them and ask them how they are doing. Take advantage of these long road trips to bond with them and talk about their true feelings. The topics are endless from what they are excited about on the trip to what's fun at school. Through this, your children will value the importance of conversation and will be treasuring more of your trips together.


Enjoy the drive

Cute baby in car with parents

Don't forget that this is a family trip, and all of you must enjoy, have fun, talk, strengthen your relationships, and bond closer. Always think about the positive things you can do with them while in the car. There are also many car games that everyone can play. Trust us, your kids want you to enjoy the trip as much as they do.

We hope you have found these tips helpful in planning your next adventure.

Have a wonderful day wherever you are and safe travels.





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